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Evolving Your Workplace Operating System

Utilizing New Functionality Of Claris Products To Better Your Business

Solving a business problem with Claris FileMaker, Studio and Connect can reap huge benefits, bringing insight into areas previously unknown and allowing for data driven decisions to adapt the business to current needs. But if you did that five years ago and then just let the system tick over, you're probably missing out on new opportunities...


Technology moves at a rapid pace, be that hardware or software, and we're keen advocates of keeping current. That's partly down to ensuring compatibility between the yearly updates to macOS or Windows operating systems and the system you run your business on - your Workplace Operating System - but also to take advantage of the new features with each release of FileMaker or other Claris products.

The evolution of FileMaker can and should have an impact on the evolution of your Workplace Operating System. Take, for example, the new features in FileMaker 16 that was released in May 2017. This was a game changer with the introduction of cURL support for the Insert From URL script step, and JSON functions being added to the calculation engine. These two things combined allowed for native interactions with outside APIs, broadening the capabilities of your Workplace Operating System to include services such as Mailchimp, Stripe or any other standards based API.

If you took advantage of these features, then perhaps you now automatically charge your customers via Stripe, or automatically add a new contact to your Mailchimp list, instead of manually doing those things - saving time, money and ensuring accuracy.

In the latest version of FileMaker, Claris introduced AI capabilities such as semantic search, allowing users to use natural language to ask questions of their FileMaker data, and other AI capabilities to summarize, say, survey data. By embracing the evolution of the platform and new features, your Workplace Operating System can evolve your business.

What Is Possible With The Claris Platform?

As we talk with clients about their projects, we say to them more and more that only their imagination is limiting what Claris FileMaker and the rest of the platform can do for their business. It's such an open platform, with being able to both act as a source of data or integrate with other services, becoming the hub of operations for all sorts of businesses.

If you're not sure how the platform can help your business, give us a shout. For inspiration from others, check out below the "50 ways to use FileMaker" list that Claris has prepared. This list includes, at number 10, "Organize and manage events in real time at global tennis matches" featuring our friends over at The Net Gains Foundation. Check out their success story on the Claris website, or you can read about them here on our website. If you'd like to download the Claris PDF, click here.


As technology moves forward, make sure your business does too. Keep up to date on the latest versions of FileMaker and utilize those new features to be more efficient, secure, accurate and informed. If you'd like to see what Claris products can do for your business, get in touch or go to the Claris website here. If you'd like to download a free trial version of FileMaker Pro 2024, click here.

If you need general help with your FileMaker app, or want to save money on your licensing of Claris products, contact us and we'll be glad to assist.